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项目/条款Item UN38.3Rev5第五版 UN38.3Rev5+A1第五修订版 修正1

电池的定义definition of battery 电池指以固定方式连接在一起的一个和多个电池,包括外壳、端子和标记。battery means one or more cells which are electrically connected together by permanent means, including case,terminals, and markings. 电池是指用电路连接在一起的两个或多个电池,并安有使用所必需的装置,如外壳、端子、标记和保护装置等。一个单一电芯电池被考虑为电芯,根据电芯的要求进行测试。Battery means two or more cells which are electrically connected together and fitted with devices necessary

for use, for example, case, terminals, marking and protective devices. A single cell battery is considered a

"cell" and shall be tested according to the testing requirements for "cells" for the purposes of the Model

Regulations and this Manual (see also the definition for "cell").

大电芯定义definition of a large cell 大电芯是指充分被充电的锂金属电芯正极锂当含量大于12g或锂离子电芯的额定Wh大于150Wh. large cell means a lithium metal cell in which the lithium content of the anode, when fully charged, is more than 12g, or in the case of a lithium ion cell, means a cell with a watt-hour rating of more than 150Wh 大电芯是指总质量大于500g的电芯。

large cell means a cell with a gross mass of more than 500g.

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